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Update cart drawer after adding new item through Javascript

I'm trying to refresh the Smart Cart after adding a new item to the cart using Shopify's AJAX API. However, after the request is completed, the product gets added to the cart, but the Smart Cart doesn't update with the new item.

Track Post-Purchase page's purchases using TikTok pixel

One of our clients wants to track the purchases that are done through the Post-Purchase page using Tiktok pixel. Is there an event, API, or something that I can use to trigger the TikTok pixel every time a post-purchase is made through the app?

Create custom logic to show Products grid add to cart button .

I want to add some javascript logic before rendering the add to cart button. I am using another app for inventory checking based on location and I want to create some custom logic to show customer add to cart or sold out based on the availability of products in that location .

Rebuy Endpoint Search


Headless Shopify

Is it possible to make the cart work on a headless setup with Shopify?

Need help in smart cart
