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Ajax support rebuy recommendations

Hello team How can I refresh/update/reinitialize Rebuy recommendations to support an AJAX feature? We are using an AJAX feature on the product detail page (PDP), but Rebuy doesn’t refresh, and it continues to show the same product. Please advise on how to resolve this issue.

How does the rebuy rules engine work?

I'm new to using technology like this. Can someone explain to me how the rebuy rules engine works? My understanding is it uses AI. But where does it get the data that powers the AI, and how is that data collected?

Shop Page With All Recommended Products

Can I get a page for the shop with all recommended products? I have a view all recommendations button and I want that to go to a page with all recommendations for that particular shop (the shops are my customers). Is that possible?

Currency for Recommendations

The recommendations products have a price with no currency. Where is the currency supposed to come from? The response does not have any currency reference.

Showing Product Variant's metafield in Smart Cart

I want to show data that's only available from Product Variant into the Smart Cart. We're using Rebuy's custom template to render the cart in our store. The data I want to process are: 1. The variant's inventory level and inventory policy. 2. The variant's metafield. These variant's data are not available from Shopify's Storefront API and non-product page Liquid template. Using Admin API is certainly out of question as well. Can I fetch these data from Rebuy JS library instead? Considering Rebuy app already has access to our store's product data.

Adding note section to smart cart

How do I add a note section to smart cart where customers can leave order notes. Like engraving etc. also, looking to add a button that says… want to make it a gift? Check the box and it adds the gift box to cart.

Cambio de Smart Cart

Cuando tengo un producto que doy gratis en el smart cart quisiera que no ocupara tanto espacio de mi carrito y que la imagen se viera a la izquierda y la info a la derecha (en dos columnas y no en una como aparece ahora) como lo puedo hacer?

Can't use @rebuy/rebuy-hydrogen with @shopify/hydrogen version 2023.7.1

Greetings, community! Questions regarding Rebuy npm package and hydrogen package version 2023.7.1. Unfortunately, there are no clear instructions for this version of hydrogen. Therefore, I will show what flow I use: after installing the package, I wrap the components in the RebuyContextProvider in the `entry.client.tsx` file. The error that occurs - `../../node_modules/@rebuy/rebuy-hydrogen/RebuyContextProvider.client.jsx:4:9: ERROR: No matching export in "../../node_modules/@shopify/hydrogen/dist/production/index.js" for import "useCart" ../../node_modules/@rebuy/rebuy-hydrogen/RebuyContextProvider.client.jsx:4:18: ERROR: No matching export in "../../node_modules/@shopify/hydrogen/dist/production/index.js" for import "useShop" ../../node_modules/@rebuy/rebuy-hydrogen/RebuyContextProvider.client.jsx:4:27: ERROR: No matching export in "../../node_modules/@shopify/hydrogen/dist/production/index.js" for import "useUrl"` can't import useCart, useUrl, useShop from @shopify/hydrogen - they simply do not exist in the current version of hydrogen. I guess there should be another aproach, but not sure @rebuy/rebuy-hydrogen can be used with hydrogen-2.0 due to old last update (Published 7 months ago). Really appreciate any help. Many thanks in advance!

Reloading product recommendation on variant change

We're looking for a way to reload our product recommendation from Rebuy whenever our user change a product variant. Since switching variants didn't reload the whole product page, we're stuck with the recommendation from the first variant shown in the page. Is there a way to reload the product recommendation through javascript?

Needs documentation of Methods for Widget Custom Templates

Hi, I'm using the custom template and I notice these methods (variantOptionAvailable and selectVariantOption) aren't included in the documentation and I will need it to modify it further. Example code below. Thank for any kinds of help. ``` <div class="variant-option" v-if="option.name.toLowerCase() == 'color' || option.name.toLowerCase() == 'colour' " > <label>COLOUR</label> <div class="option-swatch color" v-bind:class="{ activeSwatch: product.selected_variant['option' + option.position] == value, unavailable: !variantOptionAvailable(product, 'option' + option.position, value) }" v-for="(value, index) in option.values" v-on:click="selectVariantOption(product, 'option' + option.position, value)" > <div class="option-swatch color-container" :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + getURL(value) + ')' }" ></div> </div> </div> ```